Thursday, February 10, 2011

Warby Parker

Sir Sway: Lets face it, not everyone can afford Tom Ford or Gucci glasses and being a broke university student, the likelihood of me saving up for anything close to Tom Fords is slim.  So for those who want to save their money check out Warby Parker.  They have quality frames for incredibly low prices, on top of which, they've offered to match every pair of glasses bought by sending a pair of glasses to someone in need.  Ordinarily I discourage buying anything online when you're unsure of the fit.  However WP will send up to 5 glasses to your home, shipping fully paid.  All you need to do is tell them which ones and if they don't fit properly then send them back.  They've added a virtual try-on to their site to help with fit.  These were a few I liked and some of their 2010 lookbook

For while your looking at the picks. This is Portugal the Man. The music speaks for itself

This song didn't have a video but I dig it


  1. the first glasses! i am in love with.

    probably the tortoise shell.


  2. The first ones are the fillmores : )

    and they ship everywhere in north america
